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Indonesia corporation “Anantam “ Find strategic partners to build a stainless steel plant

Date:2017-12-04 03:39:02 Visit:1443

It is reported that the Indonesian state-owned miner Antam (Antam) plans to invite strategic partners to jointly build a stainless steel plant. The company is exploring partnerships with businesses in China, Taiwan, Europe or Japan.


Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo, Antam's general manager, said a few days ago that in the future, the company intends to develop ferronickel products to be stainless steel. For this reason, the company is waiting for potential investors to come forward with meeting local requirements The best quote for the situation.


"We'll consider several options, capital expenditures and what they charge, but above all, investors have the ability to sell stainless steel products in the global marketplace or the technology they have."


Ali claims that if Antam wants to expand sales of stainless steel products in the future, he must further increase the production capacity of ferronickel. "That is if the demand is really greater in the future, the company could raise the nickel-iron production capacity to 80,000 tonnes of nickel again." Ali emphasized that Antam will determine if the strategic partners have the potential to meet the plan. Antam plans to conduct due diligence on the strategic partner in the first half of 2018. "Instead, the strategic partner will also conduct due diligence on Antam's natural resources, which is justified because the partner must determine if Antam's natural resources are in line with the project before investing."


Ali claims that because it is still searching for potential investors for the project, Antam can not detail how much of the project will be implemented. "But with capital expenditures other than stainless steel or smelter-grade alumina, we have prepared 2.8 trillion dong by 2018. Most of our capital expenditures are from state share ownership (PMN) and we have 3.5 trillion dong."


Ali said that Antam is optimistic about the future business prospects, as the recent nickel price to succeed in the strong business potential in the future, exports still dominate mining companies. "Next year, we will export bijih bauksit, about 3.9 million tons of nickel ore, for which we have obtained an export license."



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